Waste Picker Groups
Last updates from Brazil
MNCR leader Alex Cardoso launches his book: Do Lixo a Bixo (12/2021)National mobilization seeks priority in vaccination for Catadores (12/2021)Protests in 20 cities in Minas Gerais condemn garbage incineration (12/2021)Waste pickers from São Caetano do Sul abandoned amid the crisis (10/2020)Let waste pickers work in Porto Alegre (10/2020)Brazil: Huge Protest against Waste Incineration (10/2019)Watch the feature film "Waste Picking Stories" (01/2019)Waste pickers in Brazil fight for their workplace (08/2018)Waste pickers camp in Sao Paulo for the right to decent housing (08/2018)Waste pickers making Viva Bem Coop pretty (11/2017)Municipality of Leme is Forced to Regularize Selective Collection after Judicial Decision (07/2017)MNCR National Struggle Day (07/2017)An interview with Marleninha, Coordinator of ASMAC (04/2017)Lucilene Nogueira: the lifestory of a brave waste picker (04/2017)The criminalization of street waste pickers in Brazil: a human rights crisis (03/2017)