Delhi – Jan. 15, 2012
Rally Against Okhla Waste to Energy Incinerator on January 15, 2012
Time: 12.00 onwards
Date: January 15, 2012
VENUE: Pocket A Sukhdev Vihar DDA Flats
For Details: Asha Arora: 9711408421, Anant Trivedi: 9868502292
Next date of hearing in the matter of Delhi’s Okhla Waste to Energy Incinerator is in Delhi High Court on January 28. This project is coming up in violation of Supreme Court’s order. It is presenting a fait accompli to the courts with impunity by starting its operations unmindful of the fact that the matter is sub judice. Earlier, the court had said that the construction of the plant is happening at company’s own risk. The company in question is pre-judging the verdict of the court. Government counsels have repeatedly misled the court. The circumstances in which the case was admitted reveals it without an iota of doubt. Read press release