April 03, 2023
On International Women’s Day, the IAWP stands with the international community of waste pickers in celebrating the importance, determination, and strength of all women, specially waste picker women around the world, and the immense contributions and accomplishments they achieve toward a cleaner and greener environment. Watch below all messages sent by various waste picker organizations and allies from around the globe.
We are happy to support @c4zerowastedev during Pilot Waste Pickers Registration in Serenje, Zambia the registration will take place during the #happywomensday celebration event.#ZaidiApp #wastepickersapp pic.twitter.com/lwaunzJBCP
— ♻️#WastePickersApp🌍 #ZaidiApp (@ZaidiRecyclers) March 7, 2023
¡Nada que tenga que ver con nosotras, sin nosotras!#DíaInternacionalDeLosDerechosDeLasMujeres
🆓♻️ pic.twitter.com/WYomZv6Qtz
— Planeta Verde (@coplanetaverde) March 8, 2023
#InternationalWomensDay was a labour movement first! Women make up approximately half of the labour force of informal waste pickers. They spend their lives reclaiming waste from the streets & supporting recycling in our cities, as well as juggling the concerns of home & family. pic.twitter.com/Wn93tGE1Hk
— Hasiru Dala (@Hasiru_Dala) March 8, 2023
#8mars #journeeinternationaledesdroitsdesfemmes #nonauharcelementpoliciersurlelieudetravail #portedemontreuil #paris #partoutailleurs #respect #biffines #recuperatrices #droitautravaildecent #reemploisolidaire #economiecirculaire #righttocity #droitalaville #oit190 #oit204 93100 pic.twitter.com/6XY8QznrRX
— Samuel AMELIOR (@SamuelAmelior) March 8, 2023
It’s #InternationalWomensDay!
Every worker, and every woman, deserves to have their rights recognized and respected.
We stand with the 7️⃣4️⃣0️⃣ million women in informal employment worldwide, join us! ✊🏾#IWD2023 pic.twitter.com/oiR2zA0Vsv
— WIEGO (@WIEGOGLOBAL) March 8, 2023