The International Alliance of Waste Pickers is a union of waste picker organizations representing more than 460,000 workers across 34 countries
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The International Alliance of Waste Pickers (IAWP) is seeking candidates for the position of General Secretary.

About the role and responsibilities

The main tasks of the General Secretary, according to IAWP’s constitution, are as follows:

  • Manage the Secretariat and the prompt completion of its work in accordance with the resolutions and directives of the Executive Council.
  • Record and circulate minutes of Congresses and Executive Council meetings.
  • Ensure effective communication with affiliates.
  • Maintain a competent office staff of International and Regional Coordinators and such other assistance as may be required, subject to the availability of finances.
  • Manage the Alliance’s finances, including presentation of an annual financial report and a proposed budget to the Executive Council and maintain financial books and records for audit purposes.
  • Serve as the representative of the Alliance in meetings, Congresses of its affiliates, and with other organizations.
  • Lead the process to decide where the IAWP should be legally incorporated.

The position is full-time and offered initially on a two-year contract, renewable by mutual consent.

Remuneration will be determined by the Executive Committee, depending on the geographical location of the successful candidate.

Eligibility Criteria

You must fulfil the following essential criteria:

  • At least 8 years of experience working with waste picker organisations.
  • The demonstrated support of at least three member organisations of the IAWP from at least two different regions.
  • Respect, humility and a heart for working with grassroots organisations.
  • Fluency in English and at least one other IAWP language.
  • Proven ability to manage and coordinate a global team in a virtual and multicultural environment, respecting and valuing diverse perspectives and experiences.
  • Experience in building and maintaining alliances in global trade union or cooperative movements, with the ability to build relationships with various stakeholders.
  • Ability to undertake frequent international travel.
  • Flexibility and ability to work unconventional hours and days when situations require, and full-time availability to fulfil this role in accordance with the constitutional mandate.

How to apply

Please send your CV and a covering letter, stating how you meet the criteria for the post to the following email address: by midnight PDT Time Zone on 26 May 2024.

About the International Alliance of Waste Pickers (IAWP)


Constituted as a representative structure and mouthpiece for waste pickers; the Alliance will defend their work and its recognition, in pursuit of public policies that improve the working and living conditions of the recyclers of the world.


This International Alliance is understood as a trade union of waste pickers. Its scope covers the waste pickers represented in the organizations that act in the defense of subsets of waste pickers within the entire category throughout the world, including waste pickers who carry out environmental promotion, administrative support, and other tasks within their organizations.

Also read Aims and Objectives in our constitution.