Among other topics, the assemblies seek to build cooperatives and develop joint positions on issues such as the implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility and Recycling...
In Colombia, despite the fact that the organized waste pickers’ union won the recognition and remuneration of their work as a public service of waste or recycling before the ...
Bokk Diom | Region Africa | Dec 27, 2021
Waste pickers of Mbeubeuss (Dakar’s public landfill) initiated research into alternative livelihoods motivated by the threats to their work at the landfills. In November 2021...
NASWON | Region Africa | Dec 27, 2021
Members of NASWON gathered in Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria, to participate in this year’s NATCO (Nigerian Artisans and Technician Conference 2021) It was a great day on Tuesday Dec...