The International Alliance of Waste Pickers is a union of waste picker organizations representing more than 460,000 workers across 34 countries
Supported by Logo WIEGO


Resisting the Hygienization of Urban Centers

painel sobre higienização

At a panel organized by the National Movement of Waste Pickers in Brazil, several speakers from different social movements and organizations spoke about the removal of street vendors, homeless populations, and waste pickers that has been happening with increasing frequency as Brazil develops and takes on mega-events such as the World Cup and the Olympics. The panel was called, “Resisting the Hygienization of Urban Centers.”

Waste pickers and allies plan for Rio+20 & The People’s Summit

On June 16, waste pickers from India and six countries in Latin America, along with allies with GAIA, the Global Alliance of Waste Pickers and Taller Ecologista, spent the day discussing and planning the messages they will take to Rio+20 and the People’s Space.

One of the first topics of discussion was the context of the Rio+20 meeting and what it means for waste pickers. Waste pickers with the national Brazilian movement (MNCR) provided local context about waste pickers in Rio as well as throughout Brazil.

“O que está em jogo no Rio+20” (Informe MNCR)

Informe do Grupo de Articulação Internacionalizado.
A um mês da conferência das Nações Unidas Rio+20, os povos do mundo não veem resultados positivos no processo de negociação que está ocorrendo na conferência oficial. Ali não se está discutindo um balanço do cumprimento dos acordos alcançados na Rio 92, ou como mudar as causas da crise. O foco da discussão é um pacote de propostas enganosamente chamado de “economia verde” e a instauração de um novo sistema de governo ambiental internacional que o facilite.
