Constitution of the International Alliance of Waste Pickers
As adopted on October 17th, 2022 session and launched in the Constitution Launching Congress on October 29th 2022.
The constitution is available for download in other languages: English, Español-Spanish, Português, Français-French, বাংলা à¦à¦¾à¦·à¦¾-Bengali, हिनà¥à¤¦à¥€-Hindi, Bahasa Indonesian, Türkçe-Turkish, اللغة العربية-Arabic, Filipino, ಕನà³à²¨à²¡à²¿-Kannada, मराठी-Marathi, Nepali-नेपाली, Bambara.
Table of contents
- Preamble
- 0. Name
- 1. Mission
- 2. Aims and Objectives
- 3. Scope
- 4. Membership
- 5. Termination of Membership
- 6. Membership Fees
- 7. Central Coordination Structure
- 8. Financial Management
- 9. Duties of Affiliates
- 10. Interpretation of Constitution
- 11. Amendments
- 12. Indemnification of Officials/Leaders
- 13. Dissolution
- 14. Appended Regulations
Preamble #
We, waste pickers, recyclers, canners, dumpster divers, scrappers, and reclaimers, organized in different parts of our vast continents, consolidate our process of dialogue and collective strengthening based on the following Constitution.
For years, we, the fruit of a system that accumulates, concentrates, excludes, destroys, and discards, have created our own forms of work in order to survive in a world that shows excessive aggression towards our environment, endangering all forms of life. By coming together, participating in dialogue, and organizing, we have fought for the rights that have been denied us, like fair remuneration and the recognition of the dignity of our work and of our environmental contributions.
Our founding Constitution is guided by the processes and resolutions of our meetings. These have established a set of principles we use in our shared struggle to fight for the rights of workers who are traditionally systematically excluded: real democracy as a tool against oppression and for emancipation; participatory and protagonist union organization; collective organizational methods legitimized by all the workers we represent; honesty and transparency as engines towards equality and justice; the processes of balance and self-criticism for the updating and improvement of our objectives; the permanent care of Earth as our common home; the exercise of power as a form of service for those who have less; and advocating for simplicity and equity against luxury, waste, and the dehumanizing pursuit of profit.
In the following Constitution, we reaffirm, order, and establish the purposes and objectives of our international alliance, the scope of and differences within our trade, the scope of our advocacy tools, our organizational principles and incorporation requirements, our central coordination structure, the duties of our office bearers, and the rights and duties of our affiliates.
With serious resolve to grow a culture of tolerance, collective effort, and peace, we commit to value our work, to obtain a dignified life and good living for our workers, and to care for and heal our common home, and we consolidate our organization in this international waste pickers’ alliance.
0. Name #
The “Waste pickers Ì International Alliance”.
1. Mission #
Constituted as a representative structure and mouthpiece for waste pickers. The Alliance will defend their work and its recognition, in pursuit of public policies that improve the working and living conditions of the recyclers of the world.
2. Aims and Objectives #
The aims and objectives of the Alliance shall be as follows:
2.1 To expand and strengthen waste pickers’ networks and promote waste pickers’ dignity at the international, regional, national, and local levels with the goal of achieving full rights;
2.2 To help affiliates to represent waste pickers at national and regional levels
2.3 To build and strengthen the capacity and leadership of waste pickers at all levels of the organization by working on strategies that ensure all levels of government listen, receive, and respond to the demands of waste pickers by promoting the co-participation of the integrated management of waste;
2.4 To promote and assist waste pickers around the world in self organization and self determination to form membership-based organizations that enable them to defend their rights and benefits collectively;
2.5 To prioritize the improvement of the living and working conditions of the poorest and the most marginalized waste pickers in recognition of the class differences that exist between waste pickers and other informal waste workers in different parts of the world;
2.6 To support, accompany, and advise on democratic processes in the member organizations;
2.7 To represent and advocate for the recognition of waste pickers with a fair wage that compensates for their environmental contribution. This will be done by establishing material pricing, the right to growth in the value chain and the guarantee of a minimum wage for each worker as minimum conditions for the millions of waste pickers around the world.;
2.8 To bring waste pickers into the mainstream of waste management and to ensure they play a central role in the formulation and discussion of policies and laws that affect their livelihoods, like those relating to solid waste management, zero waste, extended producer responsibilities, urban planning, and environmental legislation;
2.9 To advocate for the preservation of waste pickers’ livelihoods by improving access to waste and by integrating waste pickers into solid waste management and recycling systems, working on strategies that ensure all levels of government hear waste pickers’ demands, promoting co-participation in integrated waste management;
2.10 To generate awareness at local, national, and international levels about waste pickers’ contributions to recycling, solid waste management, environmental conservation, and climate change mitigation, and to advocate that government-supported recycling fees be paid to waste pickers for these contributions;
2.11 To formulate and advocate for programs that ensure all waste pickers have healthy, safe, and secure working environments, free from toxic waste and other hazardous substances, that waste pickers remain safe from negative health outcomes associated with changes in manufacturing processes and materials, and that waste pickers have access to national health insurance funds;
2.12 To build an information database on the numbers and situation of waste pickers in different parts of the world, disaggregated by gender and age, that delves deeper into various indicators to learn about the global reality of waste pickers;
2.13 To document and disseminate information on effective organizing strategies for promoting and protecting the rights of waste pickers;
2.14 To encourage all affiliates who do not already have established youth structures to establish such youth structures in their own organizations, and to ensure these structures include people with disabilities;
2.15 To oppose the discrimination, harassment, and disrespect shown to waste pickers by police and other institutional forces and other actors;
2.16 To work with affiliates, governments, and other organizations to facilitate the education of the children of waste pickers and to improve access to childcare to ensure child labour is abolished;
2.17 To oppose at local, national, regional, and international levels the unsustainable waste management practices of waste incineration in all forms; (No Incineration)
2.18 To work towards eliminating unfair trade practices in waste management and recycling sectors that impact waste pickers’ livelihoods;
2.19 To advocate for occupational identity, social welfare, social security, and gender-sensitive personal protective equipment for all waste pickers;
2.20 To work in partnership with international federations and other organizations representing informal workers and trade unions on matters of mutual interest;
2.21 To work in social partnership with NGOs, universities, and research institutions that work with and in support of waste pickers and that support the goals and constitution of the Alliance;
2.22 To manage, administer, distribute, and supervise, through consensual and explicit mechanisms, the obtaining and distribution of resources gained through various means (such as fundraising), with the main objectives detailed in this Constitution.
3. Scope #
This International Alliance is understood as a trade union of waste pickers. Its scope covers the waste pickers represented in the organizations that act in the defense of subsets of waste pickers within the entire category throughout the world, including waste pickers who carry out environmental promotion, administrative support, and other tasks within their organizations.
3.1 In the International Alliance, waste pickers are defined as follows:
- a. Individuals involved in the collection, segregation, sorting, and sale of recyclables (paper, plastic, metal, glass, etc.) in an informal or semi-formal capacity as own-account workers;
- b. Itinerant waste pickers, informal/semi-formal waste collectors engaged in transporting, sorting, and selling recyclables, informal workers engaged in transporting or sorting within the informal or semi-formal sorting/recovery/recycling sector, or any of the above who are integrated into municipal waste management systems and continue to sort and sell recyclables;
- c. Former recyclers who occupy new roles in their recycling organizations in environmental promotion, caregiving, health programs, gender programs, etc.
3.2 Type of Organization:
Local, national, or regional organizations who comply with each of the following may become members of the Alliance:
- a. Must be democratic and accountable;
- b. Must be membership-based, i.e., owned or controlled by informal waste pickers, e.g. Cooperatives, Trade Unions, Associations, etc.;
- c. Must principally represent informal waste pickers;
- d. Must aim to de-stigmatize and improve the socio-economic conditions of their members;
- e. Must adhere to the basic principles of human rights enshrined in the UDHR, 1948;
- f. Must have a written constitution, based on democratic and legal principles, and regular financial reports, approved by their members.
4. Membership #
4.1 Any eligible organization may apply by written application with necessary details and documents (see Appended Regulations);
4.2 Membership will be confirmed based on feedback from/verification by existing members in the country/region as to the applicant’s eligibility;
4.3 The Executive Council will decide to accept or reject the application on the basis of the membership requirements in this Constitution;
4.4 A framework for verifying the authenticity of applicant organizations in line with Clause 3. Scope above will be developed for this purpose;
4.5 The votes of an organization will be determined on the principle of proportional representation, based on the number of active, paid-up members belonging to that organization;
4.6 Multi-sector organizations (as per Clause 3.2(c) above) shall be represented by members from their waste pickers’ component;
4.7 Renewal of membership shall be dependent on payment of annual membership fees and meeting other obligations to the Alliance.
5. Termination of Membership #
5.1 Any member organization may withdraw from the Alliance by giving at least three (3) months’ notice in writing to the Executive Council. In case of withdrawal, no fees will be reimbursed to the resigning member organization;
5.2 A member organization may be suspended or expelled from the Alliance for violating the articles and principles of the Constitution, for no longer being eligible as per Clause 4, or for acting against the interests of the Alliance or waste pickers at large;
5.3 The Executive Council may expel or suspend any member organization by citing reasons included in Clause 5.2. The Executive Council will follow principles of natural justice and allow the member to be heard on any proposal to expel or suspend. Such a hearing shall be conducted by an independent panel composed of member organisations who do currently not serve in the Executive or have an elected member from the same organisation or Region. Any such decision will have to be ratified by Congress in its next sitting. A suspended or expelled member organization may appeal to Congress in writing before its next sitting with documentation and explanation proving its continued eligibility to be a member of the Alliance until the decision of the Congress;
5.4 A suspended or expelled member organization will not receive any refund of fees or dues from the Alliance nor be entitled to any benefits, rights, or privileges available to members of the Alliance.
6. Membership Fees #
6.1 Affiliation Fees and Annual Membership Fees will be established by the Executive Council, striving to develop inclusive mechanisms that take into account the informal characteristic of the sector against which it is necessary to organize and fight and in which economic fees are not exclusive;
6.2 Fees will be paid before 30th April of each calendar year. Non-payment shall lead to suspension of membership and all rights and privileges, including voting rights and membership on any committee. In case of non-payment for one year by any member organization, the membership will be considered dormant, and that organization will not have the right to vote or enjoy any benefits of membership. In case of non-payment for two years, the membership will be canceled;
6.3 Waiver of affiliation/annual membership fee for any extraordinary circumstances may be determined by the Executive Council for one or more members. However, such waivers shall be determined by the Executive Council on a case-by-case basis.
7. Central Coordination Structure #
The Alliance is governed by the following structures:
7.1 Congress
7.1.1 Congress is the Alliance’s highest decision-making body;
7.1.2 Congress is composed of all affiliated waste picker organizations and Congress’ Executive Council;
7.1.3 Congress is chaired by a President (elected as per Clause 8.4 below);
7.1.4 Congress is steered by an Executive Council (elected as per Clause 8.4 below);
7.1.5 The Executive Council decides the date, location, agenda, and procedures of each Congress;
7.1.6 The Executive Council will inform affiliates of the date and location of Congress at least four (4) months in advance;
7.1.7 Congress meets at least once every five (5) years;
7.1.8 The Executive Council can call an Extraordinary Congress;
7.1.9 Petition of a simple majority of affiliates can also precipitate an Extraordinary Congress;
7.1.10 The number of Congress delegates per organization is based on the number of paid-up members of each affiliate organization, as follows:
- a. Affiliates with 1-100 members shall be entitled to one (1) voting delegate;
- b. Affiliates with 101-1000 members shall be entitled to two (2) voting delegates;
- c. Affiliates with 1001-5000 members shall be entitled to three (3) voting delegates;
- d. Affiliates with above 5000 members shall be entitled to four (4) voting delegates;
- e. If, in the country of origin, there are instances of national membership-based organizations, the delegates shall belong to the national organization. If national organizations don’t exist, criteria shall be formulated to have local organizations represented in the international alliance.
7.1.11 At least fifty per cent (50%) of Congress delegates shall be women, non-binary, or trans workers;
7.1.12 Only organizations that have paid their fees can have representational rights;
7.1.13 Alliance staff may also attend at Executive Council’s discretion;
7.1.14 Quorum is reached when fifty per cent (50%) + one (1) of the total delegates who have completed all requirements for representation are present. Congress will adjourn if quorum is not met within 24 hours;
7.1.15 The agenda will be determined by the Executive Council and will outline the following:
- a. Adoptions and amendments of the Constitution, statutes, regulations;
- b, Reports from the Secretariat and President;
- c. Policy approvals and resolutions presented by the Executive Council/ affiliates;
- d. Financial reports for approval;
- e. Committees for approval, including election, youth, regional, and thematic committees;
7.2 Executive Council
7.2.1 The Executive Council shall be elected by Congress;
7.2.2 The Executive Council consists of a President, Vice President, and Treasurer;
7.2.3 The Executive Council will hire and oversee a General Secretary;
7.2.4 The Executive Council shall have regional representation. The nomination of representatives should come from each regional block;
7.2.5 The Executive Council shall be comprised of a minimum fifty per cent (50%) women;
7.2.6 Members of the Executive Council should be waste pickers and should be duly supported by the Secretariat in undertaking their duties as members of the council;
7.2.7 The Executive Council will examine the current list of waste pickers’ organizations and their membership and size across global regions, and will determine by majority resolution the regional demarcations to provide a balance and ensure optimum geographic representation;
7.2.8 The Executive Council’s term will be the five (5) years between Congresses;
7.2.9 If Executive Members retire or become unavailable mid-term, alternates will be appointed. If no alternate is available, then a new member will be nominated as per the wishes of the affiliates in the region represented by the retiring member;
7.2.10 The Executive Council will meet once every three (3) months online;
7.2.11 The General Secretary will give Council members two (2) weeks’ notice in advance of meetings;
7.2.12 Quorum is fifty per cent (50%) + one vote (1);
7.2.13 The Executive Council’s powers and duties include the following:
- a. Promote the Alliance’s activities;
- b. Achieve the Alliance’s aims and objectives;
- c. Facilitate and monitor the implementation of the Alliance’s resolutions, actions, plans, and policies;
- d. Monitor the functioning of the Secretariat;
- e. Monitor the work of sub-committees;
- f. Approve budgets and reports;
- g. Consider proposals from affiliates;
- h. Organize Congress;
- i. Delegate tasks to staff members and sub-committees;
- j. Approve member affiliation applications and agree on member affiliation suspension subject to Congress ratification.
7.3 Office Bearers
7.3.1 The President
Congress shall elect the President for one term of office that can be renewed only once by election. Should s/he retire from the Presidency for any reason, the Executive Council shall designate the Vice-President to succeed the President. The President shall:
- a. Chair the Congress and meetings of the Executive Council;
- b. Represent the Alliance at meetings, the Congresses of affiliates, and with organizations outside of the Alliance;
- c. Carry out duties mandated by the Congress and Executive Council.
7.3.2 The Vice-President
Congress shall elect the Vice-President for one term of office that can be renewed only once by election. In the absence of the President, or as delegated by her/him, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President.
7.3.3 The Treasurer
Congress shall elect the Treasurer for one term of office that can be renewed only once by election. The Treasurer shall perform the following duties:
- a. Exercise general supervision over the financial affairs of the Alliance;
- b. Take all necessary steps to ensure that proper books of account of the Alliance are kept;
- c. Ensure the books of account are audited;
- d. Prepare consolidated annual balance sheets and statements of income and expenditure;
- e. Submit or make available audited annual balance sheets and statements of income and expenditure to members;
- f. Perform such other duties as by custom and usage as pertains to the office.
7.3.4 The General Secretary
The General Secretary shall be an executive hired by the Executive Council, through a vote among the Council and not a vote by the Congress, by seeking applications and CVs from interested candidates, and ensuring that the basic requirement should include knowledge of the sector and experience in working with or representing informal waste picker groups. S/he will be a full-time, paid member of staff and an ex-officio member of all bodies of the Alliance. The General Secretary will be accountable to the Executive Council and work closely with the Office Bearers to implement decisions and plans of Congress. S/he is responsible for the following duties:
- a. Manage the Secretariat and the prompt completion of its work in accordance with the resolutions and directives of the Executive Council;
- b. Record and circulate minutes of Congresses and Executive Council meetings;
- c. Ensure effective communication with affiliates;
- d. Maintain a competent office staff of International and Regional Coordinators and such other assistance as may be required, subject to the availability of finances;
- e.Manage the Alliance’s finances, including presentation of an annual financial report and a proposed budget to the Executive Council and maintain financial books and records for audit purposes;
- f. Serve as the representative of the Alliance in meetings, Congresses of its affiliates, and with other organizations.
7.4 Election of Executive Council and Office Bearers
The President, Vice-President, and Treasurer will be elected via the process outlined below:
7.4.1 The General Secretary will call for nominations;
7.4.2 Nominations will go to the Election Committee;
7.4.3 Election will occur by secret ballot at Congress;
7.4.4 Two or more of the Office Bearers elected must be women, non-binary, or trans workers;
7.4.5 No two Office Bearers elected may come from the same region;
7.4.6 All Office Bearer positions except the Secretary shall be rotated among regions;
7.4.7 A nominated candidate may be elected in absentia, provided the candidate accepts her/his nomination for the position in writing;
7.4.8 In the event that no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, the top two (2) candidates with the highest number of valid votes shall go through a second round of voting in order to ascertain a winner;
7.4.9 Office Bearers shall understand that Congress sets the overarching agenda and action plan for the Alliance;
7.4.10 The Congress shall decide any honorarium payable to the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. Ideally, their salaries should be covered by their base organizations, so these roles should not be taken for remuneration. Expenses accrued in relation to fulfilling duties will be reimbursed.
7.5 Removal from Office of Office Bearers
The President, Vice-President, Treasurer and General Secretary shall vacate office in any of the following circumstances:
- a. On resignation, suspension, or expulsion from membership of the Alliance or any of its member organizations, or on suspension or expulsion from office for misconduct on a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Council;
- b. On absenting herself/himself without the permission of the Executive Council from three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive Council;
- c. In case of a motion for suspension/expulsion, notice of removal will be shared with all member organizations at least ninety (90) days in advance to allow for regional representatives within the Executive Council to receive inputs from organizations in their region. In case of major disagreement, a simple majority of the members is entitled to call for an Extraordinary Congress (as per provisions relating to calling of Congress). However, this is unlikely to happen since a two-thirds (2/3) majority is required for removal/suspension.
7.6. Provisional Office Bearers
7.6.1 In the event the office of an Office Bearer becomes vacant in between Congresses, the Executive Council shall elect, by ballot, by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, from among the members of the Executive Council, a person in an acting capacity until the next ordinary Congress;
7.6.2 A member elected to fill such vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the period of office of her/his predecessor;
7.6.3 All such elections shall be on nomination proposed, seconded, and voted on by majority ballot.
7.7 Secretariat
The Secretariat is the administrative body of the Alliance, which is governed and operates as follows:
- a. The Secretariat is led by the General Secretary, who manages the day-to-day functioning of the Alliance, reporting to the Executive Council and Congress;
- b. It is composed of full time paid staff who execute activities;
- c. It operates under guidance of the Executive Council;
- d. It manages all meetings, activity coordination, membership management, report writing, and coordination with other bodies;
- e. It operates on a not-for-profit basis.
8. Financial Management #
8.1 The financial management of the Alliance will be in compliance with the fiscal and legal requirements of the country in which the Alliance is registered and/or from which the Secretariat operates;
8.2 The funds of the organization will be derived from membership fees, grants, and donations from funding organizations, and all other money received from various sources, conforming with and respecting our principles and associative values;
8.3 The funds of all accounts of the organization shall be applied to the payment of expenses connected to the administration of the affairs of the Alliance (up to twenty five per cent (25%) of the funds), the acquisition of property and/or towards the attainment of the objects specified in Clause 3 of this Constitution, and such other lawful purposes as may be decided upon by the Executive Council or by the member organizations of the Alliance voting by ballot;
8.4 The Alliance shall function as a not-for-profit entity, allocating its resources towards the objects specified in Clause 3 of this Constitution and shall not allocate any surplus of revenue over expenditure towards any dividend or bonuses to its member organizations.
8.5 A bank account will be opened in the name of the Alliance in a bank approved by the Executive Council. The signatories of the accounts of the Alliance shall be the President, the General Secretary, and two (2) other individuals easily accessible by the Secretariat appointed for the purpose by the Executive Council. Any two (2) of the aforementioned shall jointly sign each transaction;
8.6 The signatories referred to in Clause 8.5 above shall be changed by the Executive Council every five (5) years;
8.7 Statements of income and expenditure and the financial position of the Alliance are to be prepared half-yearly by the General Secretary and submitted to the Executive Council, who shall in turn submit them to the Congress;
8.8 All accounts of the Alliance shall be audited annually by a person/company registered as an accountant and auditor in terms of the relevant national and international legislation, appointed by the Executive Council;
8.9 The consolidated audited financial statements, balance sheets and auditor’s reports for the Alliance shall be confirmed by the Executive Council and presented to member organizations;
8.10 The auditor’s report outlined in Clauses 8.8 and 8.9 above shall state whether:
- a. S/he has satisfied herself/himself of the existence of the securities and has examined the books of account and records of the Alliance;
- b. S/he has satisfied herself/himself that proper books of accounts have been kept;
- c. S/he has obtained all the information and explanation required;
- d. In her/his opinion the statement of income and expenditure and the balance sheet audited by her/him have been properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct reflection of the state of affairs of the Alliance according to the best of her/his knowledge and according to the explanations given to her/him and as shown by the books of the Alliance as at the date of the balance sheet;
- e. In her/his opinion, the provisions of the Constitution of the Alliance insofar as they relate to financial affairs, have been complied with;
8.11 A member organization that resigns or is expelled from the Alliance shall have no claim on the funds of the Alliance;
8.12 Members or Office Bearers of the Alliance do not have a right to funds and property that belong to the Alliance;
8.13 The organization may not give any of its money or property to its members or Office Bearers, except as payment for work that a member or Office Bearer has done for the organization. In such cases, the payment must be a reasonable amount for the work that has been done;
8.14 The fiscal year of the Alliance will be determined by the location of the Secretariat in accordance with that nation’s customs.
9. Duties of Affiliates #
9.1 Relationship between the Alliance and Affiliates:
The Alliance will respect and value the autonomy of its affiliates. However, affiliates will be expected to carry out and implement the decisions and policies of the Alliance in relation to their membership in the Alliance as agreed by the Congress or Executive Council;
9.2 Duties of Affiliates
An organization affiliated to the Alliance will perform the following duties:
9.2.1 Keep the Secretariat informed of its elections and any changes to its Office Bearers and membership and of new contact details as of December 31 each year;
9.2.2 Provide other information required to the best of its ability;
9.2.3 Publish in its newsletter, on its website, and in other media information about the activities of the Alliance and send copies or links of this information to the Secretariat;
9.2.4 Send copies of its annual report to the Secretariat;
9.2.5 Pay affiliation fees regularly in terms of Clause 6 above;
9.2.6 Participate in Congresses and other activities of the Alliance;
9.2.7 Support the development of a spirit and practice of solidarity by contributing/sharing resources such as skills, materials, and finances for joint global activities.
10. Interpretation of Constitution #
10.1 The responsibility for the interpretation of the terms of this Constitution or any matter arising in connection therewith shall be vested in the Congress. In between Congresses, the Executive Council will be empowered to establish provisional rules and make interim ruling subject relating to the interpretation, subject to a final decision by the Congress;
10.2 In the event of any difference of meaning between different versions of this Constitution, the English version shall prevail.
11. Amendments #
The Congress may repeal, amend, or add to the provisions of this Constitution by a seventy-five per cent (75%) majority of voting delegates provided that at least sixty (60) days’ notice of any proposed alteration shall have first been given to all members.
12. Indemnification of Officials/Leaders #
The Office Bearers, Executive Council members, delegates, and employees of the Alliance, provided that they have acted in good faith in a manner that furthers the interests of the Alliance, shall be indemnified by the Alliance against all proceedings, costs, and expenses incurred by reason of any omission, negligence, or other act done in performance of their duties on behalf of the Alliance or its members, and they shall not be personally liable for any of the liabilities of the Alliance or any of its members.
13. Dissolution #
13.1 The Alliance may be dissolved at any time by a resolution carried by seventy-five per cent (75%) of delegates eligible to vote, provided that postal and electronic ballot has been conducted and that at least eighty per cent (80%) of delegates eligible to vote participate in the ballot;
13.2 In the event of the dissolution of the Alliance being decided by a Congress, any financial obligations must be fulfilled. The Congress shall decide on the manner of disposal of funds and assets of the Alliance;
13.3 In the event the Congress carrying the resolution for dissolution does not decide on the manner of disposal of funds and assets of the Alliance, the following provisions shall apply:
- a. The available members of the last appointed Executive Council shall appoint a liquidator to carry out the dissolution. The liquidator shall not be a member of the Alliance and shall be paid such fees as may be agreed upon a. between her/him and the aforementioned available members;
- b. The liquidator so appointed shall call upon the last Office Bearers and Secretariat of the Alliance to deliver to her/him the books of account, showing the assets and liabilities of the Alliance together with the register of members showing for twelve (12) months prior to date as from which the Alliance was unable to continue functioning, hereinafter referred to as date of dissolution, the fees paid by each member as at date of dissolution. The liquidator shall also call upon the said Office Bearers and employees of the Alliance to hand her/him all unexpended funds of the Alliance and to deliver to her/him the assets and the documents necessary in order to liquidate the assets of the Alliance;
- c. The liquidator shall take the necessary steps to liquidate the Alliance’s debts from its unexpended funds and any other monies realized from its assets;
- d. After the payment of all debts in accordance with the preceding Clause, the remaining funds, if any, shall be disposed of by transfer of all or part of the assets to any other named organization with similar aims and objectives, or will be kept in trust until such time as another organization is established embracing all or part of the area and scope of the one dissolved and open to all organizations working in such area and scope.
14. Appended Regulations #
The regulations and procedures that will need to be drafted and adopted include, but are not limited to, these which have been identified at this time:
- Membership application form.
- Standing Orders for conducting meetings.
- Standing Orders for conducting congresses.
- Nominations procedure for elections for Executive Council members at International Congresses.
- Election procedure at International Congresses.
- Terms of Reference for sub-committees.
This updated version of the constitution includes the modifications approved on the October 17th, 2022 constitution adoption session of the Global Advisory Committee of the International Alliance of Waste Pickers.
Table of contents
- Preamble
- 0. Name
- 1. Mission
- 2. Aims and Objectives
- 3. Scope
- 4. Membership
- 5. Termination of Membership
- 6. Membership Fees
- 7. Central Coordination Structure
- 8. Financial Management
- 9. Duties of Affiliates
- 10. Interpretation of Constitution
- 11. Amendments
- 12. Indemnification of Officials/Leaders
- 13. Dissolution
- 14. Appended Regulations