Waste Picker Groups
Waste Picker Groups (1) |
Sociedad Cooperativa de Seleccionadores de Materiales (SOCOSEMA) |
Last updates from Mexico
Waste Pickers’ voice heard at the UN- World Habitat Day in Mexico (11/2019)Mexico City recognizes the rights of informal waste pickers (08/2016)Case study from GAIA and Revuelta Verde - CDM proposal to burn waste in Mexico (02/2013)"For Some in Mexico, Trash Is a Treasure Worth Defending" (New York Times) (02/2012)
Law reports overview
- General Law for the Prevention & Integral Management of Wastes
- Implementing Regulation for the General Law for the Prevention and Integral Management of Wastes, 2006
- NOM-83-SEMARNAT-1996 on Conditions for Sites Intended for the Final Disposal of Municipal Solid Wastes, 1996