The International Alliance of Waste Pickers is a union of waste picker organizations representing more than 460,000 workers across 34 countries
Supported by Logo WIEGO

Resolution 6: on Economic Independence of the IAWP

Publication year: 2024

The 1st Elective Congress notes:

Understanding that the International Alliance of Waste Pickers was born with a union and internationalist spirit, whose objective is the unrestricted defense of every waste picker in the world; with a voice free of ties of any kind; than private companies and cooperation organizations of any kind.

Considering that the recycling model of organizations must be popular and supportive, the IAWP promotes a model in which wealth, knowledge and the means of production are distributed among the majority of waste pickers, rejecting the capitalist model of wealth accumulation.

Considering that several affiliated organizations create alliances or relationships with private and cooperation actors autonomously for the development of programs, plans and projects in their own countries without this implying demands and rules imposed by the private logic of wealth accumulation, and subject to their knowledge and technologies.

It is resolved:

  1. Declare the financial independence of the International Alliance of Waste Pickers. The IAWP will not accept funding from private  companies that have interests in economic domination of our sector that can displace and exclude waste pickers. Funding cannot be accepted without the investigation of the operations of multinational corporations internationally, so as to validate that they are not exploiting waste pickers and other workers. Any funding that is accepted, should be according to the terms and conditions and principles laid down by the International Alliance of Waste Pickers. Funding will come from the payment of its affiliated organizations, philanthropies (philanthropies that are attached to corporations mentioned above are excluded) aligned with the objectives of the international alliance. This resolution shall be implemented as per the constitutional section 8.2. 
  2. The IAWP will maintain a position of neutrality towards any company or corporate organization. Its affiliated organizations are free to associate themselves in any way they choose as long as it does not affect the collective policies of the international alliance. 
  3. The investment of the companies should contemplate the granting of productive and economic rights to waste picker organizations without the affiliated organizations being subordinated by capital. Organizations should not negotiate on behalf of the International Alliance of Waste Pickers without informing the affiliated organizations of the alliance. 
  4. It is the responsibility of the IAWP Executive Committee to supervise the performance of its elected authorities in order to preserve the autonomy of the Alliance vis-à-vis big capital in the solid waste sector.

Proposed by: FACCyR (Argentina) and Unicatadores (Brazil)

Seconded by: 1st Elective Congress delegates.