Resolution 7: on Political Independence.
The 1st Elective Congress notes:
Understanding that the International Alliance of Waste Pickers was born with a union and internationalist spirit, whose objective is the unrestricted defense of every waste picker in the world; that the unionism and defense of human and labor rights must have a voice free of ties of any kind.
Therefore, it is resolved:
- We resolve to declare the political independence of our International Alliance of Waste Pickers. The AIR shall maintain a neutral position towards any political party.
- Its affiliated organizations are free to link with political parties or organizations in any way they choose, but not on behalf of the International Alliance of Waste Pickers.
- The International Alliance of Waste Pickers will not accept funding from political parties.
Proposed by: FACCyR (Argentina).
Seconded by: 1st Elective Congress delegates.
Type: Resolutions