Association Bokk Diom des Récupérateurs et recycleurs de Mbeubeuss
Dakar, Senegal
Información básica
- Año de formación
- 1995
- Registrada en
- 1998
- Registrada oficialmente
- On
- Idioma
- Francés, Mandingue, Peulh, Serer, Toucouleur, Wólof
- Número de miembros
- 1,200
- Tipos de miembros
- Miembros son recicladores
- Occupación de los miembros
- Recicladores
- Tipo de organización
- Asociación
- Alcance
- Local
- Estructura de la organización
- General Assembly, Steering Committe, Executive Bureau, Health Committe, Management Committe, Educational Permanence. Presidents are elected every five years, and there are six committee members.
- Objetivos
- Recognition of waste pickers, fight discrimination and poverty, promote the rights of waste pickers, job creation, development of educational activities for children and adolescents, awareness raising, strengthen unity and cohesion among waste pickers, social and economic empowerment of waste pickers, improve quality of life, rights, dignity and welfare of workers,
- Organizaciones asociadas
- ENDA Graf Sahel Senegal, WIEGO UK, GAIA Europe, STREETNET South Africa, IPEC/ILO, Autre Terre, Life/PNUD
- Afiliaciones
- Gobierno
- Financiación
- Financiado por donantes, Fondos de ONGs
- Internal elections
- Every 5 years
- Presencia de mujeres
Redes sociales en Internet
- ¿Cómo es la relación con el municipio?
- Excelente y / o amigable
- Types of materials
- Artículos del hogar, Metal, Papel y cartón, Plásticos, Residuos biodegradables, Ropa, Vidrio
- Actividades
- Nuevos artículos hechos de materiales recogidos, Reciclaje, Venta de materiales
Información complementaria
- Fuente de información
- WORD 26/06/2013, Africa 2012, Africa 2013, Africa 2011
Narrativa / Comentarios
Created in 1968 and currently covering an expanse of more or less one hundred and seventy-five hectares, Mbeubeuss is the only landfill serving the entire city of Dakar. Just north of the city in the Pikine Departement of Malika-Mer, the government gives contracts to trucking companies (Viole is contracted for 20%) to haul 460,000 tons of waste per year to the site. For five or six years the government has been talking about shutting down Mbeumeuss and opening a new site, including a segregation center. The site is planned for a location fifteen kilometers away from the existing dumpsite. The government has proposed that three hundred and fifty waste pickers from the existing estimated 7,040 people living in Mbeumeuss will get jobs at the new recycling center. It has also been proposed that waste pickers will have to pay money to initially become workers in the new center. The proposal is for sorting recyclables at the household level, and then hauling the recyclables to the sorting center. The government will provide member waste pickers a salary for working at the new center.