The International Alliance of Waste Pickers is a union of waste picker organizations representing more than 460,000 workers across 34 countries
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IAWP 1st Elective C0ngress. May 2024

1st Elective Congress of the International Alliance of Waste Pickers

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1-5 May 2024


The 1st Elective Congress of the International Alliance of Waste Pickers will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The 1st Elective Congress of the International Alliance of Waste Pickers took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina from May 1st to 5th, 2024.

The International Alliance of Waste Pickers (IAWP) is an international union committed to advancing the rights and strengthening organizing of waste pickers. IAWP is in the process of becoming a formal entity, with its constitution approved by waste pickers’ movements in 34 countries around the world in October 2022 and will be hosting its first international elective congress to elect the duty bearers of the organization in 2024.

The Congress is the International Alliance of Waste Pickers’ highest decision-making body and is composed of 88 delegates elected from our 50 affiliated waste picker organizations, with strategic partners invited as observers and guests.

Visit the Congress website