Global exchange of waste pickers in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 17-22, 2018
From October 17 to 22, 2018, the global exchange of waste pickers’ organizations “Recycling in our hands” was held in the Popular Economy Workers’ Confederation (CTEP) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Waste pickers coming from coastal cities of ten different countries like Senegal, South Africa, Ghana, India, USA, France, Italy, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Canada, and delegates » read the post
From October 17 to 22, 2018, the global exchange of waste pickers’ organizations “Recycling in our hands” was held in the Popular Economy Workers’ Confederation (CTEP) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Waste pickers coming from coastal cities of ten different countries like Senegal, South Africa, Ghana, India, USA, France, Italy, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Canada, and delegates from many cities of Argentina participated in the meeting.
During the days of the meeting, the objective was to discuss about and make an exchange of the difficulties and challenges undergone by the waste picking sector (known as “cartonero” in Argentina) in a context in which the economy excludes the working poor, without rights or recognition. Also, considering models of organization which have made advancements in wage rights, some strategies were delineated to keep on fighting for the right to work and work with rights.
The exchange’s agenda consisted of visits to many organization experiences in dumpsites, in central and peripheral cities, to their recyclable materials processing centers, and to innovative experiences such as the environmental promotion made by women waste pickers. Also, the delegations attended different conferences and debate sessions concluding in this final document (download PDF). The final document is available in the following languages:
ManifiestoENG (1)Related posts
- Day by day of the exchange from FACCyR, Argentina (in Spanish): Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5.
- From AIW (India): Indore’s Wastepicker in Buenos Aires.
- From RENAREC (Ecuador): Dirigentes de la RENAREC representaron al país en el Intercambio Global de Organizaciones de Cartoneros en Argentina.
Video resumen del primer día del intercambio global de recicladores con @fcartoneros en Buenos Aires, Argentina c @prensactep (ahora sí el bueno)
— ♻️ International Alliance of Waste Pickers (@globalrec_org) October 19, 2018
Third day of the global exchange of Waste Pickers in Argentina organized by @fcartoneros + @prensactep
Visits to waste pickers' owned initiatives and centres in Buenos Aires with Amanecer coop.— ♻️ International Alliance of Waste Pickers (@globalrec_org) October 20, 2018