Rio+20 – United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development & The Peoples’ Summit
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 15-22, 2012
It’s been 20 years since the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development — known as the Earth Summit — was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development — known as Rio+20 (as in 20 years after the Earth Summit) — aims to focus on the green economy’s role in sustainable development and poverty eradication. The UN’s priority areas include decent jobs, energy, sustainable cities, food security and sustainable agriculture, water, oceans and disaster readiness. Event from June 20-22.
National Movement of Brazilian Waste Pickers
Schedule in English / Programação do Movimento Nacional dos Catadores em Portuguese / Programación del Movimiento Nacional de Recicladores en español
Schedule – Zero Waste+Social Justice delegation
Schedule (GAIA, Global Alliance of Waste Pickers, Red Lacre, SMS, Alliance of Indian Waste Pickers, Coalicion Argentina Argentina Anti-incineracion)
Here you will find all the info related to the:
- United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (see archived page). Read The Future We Want, outcome document of the conference.
- The Peoples’ Summit (the Cúpula dos Povos, see archived page).
Background: Rio+20 & The Peoples’ Summit
It’s been 20 years since the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development — known as the Earth Summit — was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development — known as Rio+20 (as in 20 years after the Earth Summit) — aims to focus on the green economy’s role in sustainable development and poverty eradication. The UN’s priority areas include decent jobs, energy, sustainable cities, food security and sustainable agriculture, water, oceans and disaster readiness. Event from June 20-22.
Happening parallel to Rio+20 will be the Peoples’ Summit, or the Cúpula dos Povos, an event that will bring together thousands of social movements, organizations, and members of civil society from across Brazil and around the world. According to the Peoples’ Summit organizers, “Rio+20 will be an important point in the trajectory of global movements for social and environmental justice…This moment will help build our forces in the resistance and fight for new paradigms based on the defense of life and the common good.” Event between June 15-22.
How are waste pickers involved?
About than 400 waste pickers from across Brazil will be arriving in Rio for the Peoples’ Summit and Rio+20. The National Movement of Waste Pickers, or the Movimento Nacional dos Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis, is coordinating the participation of these hundreds of waste pickers in activities throughout both events.
The waste pickers will also be responsible for all of the recycling at Rio+20 and the Peoples’ Summit. At the Peoples’ Summit, the recycling warehouse will also serve as a space for panels, discussions, and film showings. These events have been organized by waste picker leaders of the national movement, the Latin American Network of waste pickers, and allies from the Global Alliance of Waste Pickers and the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives. In addition to the strong Brazilian waste picker presence will be waste pickers from India and several countries in Latin America. We will also be tweeting, posting to facebook, and constantly updating here. See the schedule in different languages below.
Facebook: facebook.com/GlobalRec
Twitter: @global_rec
Hashtags: #cupuladospovos #RioPlus20
Schedules and other information:
See the National Movement of Brazilian Waste Pickers (MNCR) schedule in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
See the schedule of the Zero Waste+Social Justice delegation (GAIA, Global Alliance of Waste Pickers, Red Lacre, SMS, Alliance of Indian Waste Pickers, Coalicion Argentina Argentina Anti-incineracion)