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Federación de Cooperativas de Reciclado Limitada. Federación Argentina de Cartoneros, Carreros y Recicladores (FACCyR)

Latin America
Number of members
Number of female members

Purposes and objectives of the organization

The Argentine Federation of Cartoneros, Carreros y Recicladores (FACCyR) is the protest tool that recyclers create for the defense of rights and recognition of the environmental and social value of the work we do. We unite the urban cartoneros, carteros, recyclers and recuperators workers from all over the country, organized in cooperatives or other associative forms.

The objective of this Federation is to defend the rights of cardboard workers. We encourage the end of the corrupt and anti-cartonero business of recycling in private hands in all jurisdictions of the country and we promote the implementation of a public recycling system, co-managed between the State and the cooperatives. We demand the recognition of cardboard workers organized in cooperatives as the sole and exclusive service providers for the recovery, classification and conditioning of dry urban solid waste from households and large generators.

Organizational vision/mission statement

We fight so that no one prohibits us from the right to work, so that we are paid remuneration for our work, that we are guaranteed access to social work and accident insurance, we fight to access the tools, machinery and vehicles that allow working conditions to be improved, to eradicate child exploitation of the activity, so that all cartoneros can sell our materials at fair prices, we fight so that the companies that benefit from our work contribute financially to the dignity of the activity.

Excluded and at the same time exploited, persecuted and misunderstood, the cartoneros workers build, little by little, organization and awareness in some cities of the country and, in some cases, state support and recognition. However, in the Argentine Republic the cartonero continues to be a mainly informal actor, his activity is exposed to a high risk due to the lack of minimum hygiene and safety conditions, plagued by child labor, immersed in ignominious situations of overexploitation and excluded from integrating actions. of the Argentine state.

This Federation spreads the values ​​of solidarity and struggle among its workers, practicing the slogan that we have made our own in each fight for the rights of the cardboard workers: If they touch one, they touch us all!

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