The International Alliance of Waste Pickers is a union of waste picker organizations representing more than 460,000 workers across 34 countries
Supported by Logo WIEGO

Complementary Information

Other publications
• Study in collaboration with CHINTAN on e-waste in Nagpur • Study in collaboration with CHINTAN on amount of waste recycled by waste pickers, Feriwalas and Kabadiwalas in Nagpur city • Study on Tetrapak used beverage carton collections in Nagpur with TERI in 2015 • Study on Tetrapak used beverage carton collections in Nagpur with TERI in 2019
Information source
Leena Buddhe, founder and director of the organization shared the information with the Secretariat of the Alliance of Indian Waste-pickers

Comments / Narrative

Centre for Sustainable Development is a non-profit organization, is registered under the Society`s registration act 1860 (Society Registration no: Maha 115 / 04 / Nagpur) and Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 [Trust Registration no: F-20854(Nagpur)]. The organization was started in the year 2004, with a vision to facilitate participatory and sustainable development processes that would make human settlements equitable living environments.

Mission Statement: To develop human settlements into an equitable living environment where the community has access to health, education, housing, basic infrastructure and livelihood options irrespective of their social and economic status.

Focus areas:

Urban Development

CFSD supports an integrated development approach for the improvement of living conditions in urban slums. The focus areas for urban development include the urban environment, housing and physical infrastructure, poverty alleviation, education and health. Under the banner of the Integrated Development approach, the slum dwellers are encouraged to participate in the planning and implementation of sustainable slum improvement measures. For a sustainable urban development concept, CFSD is committed to facilitating participatory approach encompassing slum dwellers, govt organizations, NGO’s and the private sector.

CFSD is presently involved in the Urban housing program of the government and is working in close association with the Slum Rehabilitation Authority and Slum Department of the Nagpur Municipal Corporation. CFSD helps in mobilizing communities to participate in the government housing scheme, helps in bank linkages so that the beneficiaries get a loan to pay 10% to 12% of beneficiary contribution and also helps in the formation of Housing Co-operative Societies to ensure the transfer of Tenure rights to the slum dwellers.

CFSD has conducted socio-economic surveys in the slums of the city under the Rajiv Awas Yojana and has been involved in the preparation of Plane Table Maps and socio-economic surveys in slums for the purpose of Notifications and Tenure Rights (“Patta Watap”)

Women, Youth and Children

CFSD works with women, youth and children. In the urban areas, savings and credit program are being run through the formation of “Women Self Help Groups” (Swayam Sevi Mahila Bachat Gat”). To make them economically self-reliant, we also encourage them to start income generation activities by giving them livelihood training and tying up with banks for loans at lower interest rates and also linking them with other govt schemes which are available for the urban poor in close co-ordination with the Social Welfare Department and Women and Child Welfare Department. CFSD plans to run social enterprises of bag making and broom making for the upliftment of its women SHG members.


CFSD organizes health check-up camps for the underprivileged by Networking with different groups and clubs in the local area. Renowned Doctors and specialists are also invited to conduct these camps, especially in urban slums. Follow-up camps are also organized.

Environment The Clean India Campaign (“Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan”)

Under this flagship program of Government of India Centre For Sustainable Development, CFSD, has been working proactively with the Nagpur Municipal Corporations to create awareness on segregation of waste, conducting flash card meetings in slums and municipal corporation schools to mitigate open defecation spots and make cities open defecation free. Review and  Capacity building of NMC sanitation staff, Behavior change communication using IEC material, Designing IEC material, conduct of various events like debating competition, Essay competition, drawing competition and Mohalla  Sabha, street plays, walkathon during the campaign period. Verify the progress of HHL construction and prepare an independent report on the proper utilization of assets created and behaviour change of beneficiaries.

Under this program, CFSD has also enumerated the waste-pickers,Feriwalas and Kabadiwalas(the informal sectors engaged in the waste collection)  of Nagpur city through the socio-economic survey. CFSD has also facilitated the distribution  ID cards issued by Nagpur Municipal Corporation to the waste pickers.

CFSD organizes health check-up camps for the waste pickers through Networking with different groups, organizations and clubs at Bhandewadi dumping yard and other slums where waste pickers live. Renowned Doctors and specialists are also invited to conduct these camps and follow-up camps are also organized.

CFSD is also working on the integration of the informal sector into the waste management plan of the city. CFSD helped in setting up recycling stores being run by women waste-pickers SHG’s run by NMC and Swacch Association, Nagpur

Under this program, CFSD is creating awareness for collection of Terapak used cartons for recycling for TETRA PAK company..and other companies too as this will help in minimising the waste being generated on the used beverage carton and it will be properly recycled.

National Clean Air Program :

Under the National Clean Air Program, CFSD is actively engaged in the implementation of the Air Action Plan at Nagpur City.

With support from Clean Air Asia, CFSD has organized the perception survey on air pollution with the help of college youth. CFSD has also formed the “YCAN” Youth for Clean Air Network and has conducted various programs like ‘Awareness on Idling of vehicles” at major traffic signals at Nagpur with Jan Akrosh and Fridays for Future Group. CFSD has also helped in the implementation of the “ Breathe Life Campaign “ an International network of cities for sharing best practises on ways of reducing air pollution. It is a WHO, UNEP and Climate and Clean Air Coalition with support from Clean Air Asia. CFSD has also conducted training programs for Safai karmacharis of NMC health and Sanitation dept on air pollution and its impact on health.


CFSD has closely worked with the urban poor to get them justice and make them self-reliable in the external market forces. Claiming, securing Human rights has been the Umbrella for CFSD’s intervention in the issues of Urbanization.

CFSD jointly collaborates with various civil society organizations to address issues of the urban poor especially women. CFSD helps the urban poor in availing different govt schemes on housing and infrastructure development and CFSD works with the police dept on issues of domestic violence and adolescent girls security.

Study and Research Work

  • Conducted Rapid evaluation study on the VAMBAY Housing scheme in Nagpur city for YASHADA for Govt of Maharashtra’s Housing Department
  • Prepared Nagpur City’s Poverty Profile for YASHADA, Pune for the Ministry of Urban Poverty Alleviation
  • Conducted a research study on the impact of BSUP-JnNURM project on the lives of children in the pilot Jattarodi slum of Nagpur in collaboration with ACE research foundation, Delhi
  • Prepared the CITY SANITATION PLAN for the Health Department of the Nagpur Municipal Corporation
  • Prepared the JnNURM compliance reports for the slum department, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
  • Conducted a study on the e-waste management practices in Nagpur.
  • Conducted a research study for Action for Children’s environment (ACE- research Institute), Delhi on the impact of Basic services for urban poor (BSUP) scheme on children in Nagpur
  • Conducted a study with All India Institute of Local Self Governance (AIILSG, Pune) for Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA), Government of India under the project ‘Support to National Policies for Urban Poverty Reduction’ (SNPUPR) on the implementation of Flagship programs like  Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgaar Yojana  (SJSRY) in Nagpur
  • Conducted a study to understand the Waste Management Practices in India in collaboration with a Delhi based NGO “Chintan”
  • CFSD has also prepared the Plan of Action to implement the Clean Nagpur Campaign (“Swachh Nagpur Abhiyaan”) for the Nagpur Municipal Corporation
  • Support NMC to participate in the City Sanitation rating exercise and Swachh Survekshan (2015 – 2019)
  • Conducted Tetrapack Post Carton Management: study in collaboration with TERI for Tetrapack Co.
  • Conducted a study on the ‘Waste Management practices in India” with CHINTAN, a Delhi based NGO
  • Perception survey on air pollution in collaboration with Hislop College, Tirpude College of Management Studies, S.F.S college and Shivaji Science College in Nagpur in collaboration alongside Clean Air Asia India in Nagpur
  • Analysing the Air quality in two schools in Nagpur


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