Jowawa Scrap Metal
Nakuru, Kenya
Primary information
- Year formed
- 2005
- Formally registered
- Yes
- Type of members
- Members employ waste pickers
- Occupation of members
- Scrap dealers
- Type of Organization
- Sole trader and/or business
- Organizational Reach
- Local
- Workplace of members
- Collection from companies, Door to door
- Membership
- No
- Organization Structure
- JOWAMA is a small business headed by Josphat & his wife Cecilia. They keep records of what they have bought and sold. The Municipal Council provides a scrap metal License.
- Objectives
- Job creation, build enterprises, improve livelihoods
- Funding
- Self funded
- Women composition
Social networking sites
- Member benefits
- Clean & healthy environment, Job creation & source of income
- Safety & Technology
- Fire extinguishers
- How is the relationship with the municipality?
- Excellent and/or friendly
- Types of materials
- Metals
- Are they selling to middlemen?
- Yes
- Activities
- Buying materials, Selling materials
- Challenges to access waste
- Availability of waste, Foul smell & contamination from waste, Price fluctuations of waste
Complementary Information
- Information source
- Africa 2009