The organizations listed in this WAW database were the result of the effort to merge in one place multiple waste picker related organizations data bases in 2014. Visit the current list of affiliates to the International Alliance of Waste Pickers.

Red de Emprendedores Nicaraguenses del Reciclaje (REDNICA)
Managua, Nicaragua
Website: information
- Year formed
- 2010
- Language
- Spanish
- Number of groups
- 8
- Number of members
- 1,000
- Type of members
- Members are waste picker organizations, Members are waste pickers
- Occupation of members
- Waste pickers
- Type of Organization
- Network
- Organizational Reach
- National
- Workplace of members
- Door to door, Dumpsite, Landfill, Street
- Affiliations
- Redlacre
- Women composition
Social networking sites
- What kind of relationship exists with the municipality?
- Providers of infrastructure
- How is the relationship with the municipality?
- Conflictual and/or problematic
- Activities
- Community sale of materials, Community storage of materials, Special collections from large generators of waste
Complementary Information
- Information source
- WORD 4/9/2012, RedLacre 2012
Comments / Narrative
Formed in 2010, they have members in the following Departments: Matagalpa, Jinotega, Esteli,Tipitapa,Leon, Ciudad Sandino, Bluefields and Managua
Contact information
Last updates from Red de Emprendedores Nicaraguenses del Reciclaje (REDNICA)
Waste pickers' meeting to adress political turmoil in NicaraguaREDNICA apresenta modelo popular de desenvolvimento de reciclagem inclusivaREDNICA présente son modèle de développement du recyclage inclusif par la baseREDNICA Presents its Grassroots Development Model of Inclusive RecyclingRednica planeja a criação de 15 novas cooperativas de catadores na NicaráguaRednica plans to organize 15 new cooperatives of grassroots recyclers in NicaraguaRednica lanza su nueva webRecyclers in Nicaragua: A Productive and Environmental ForceA landfill in León, Nicaragua catches fire
At organization's website
REDNICA: Estamos en el camino correcto del Reciclaje Inclusivo con Equidad.
REDLACRE debate sobre Economía Circular en Latinoamérica
REDNICA presente en Latinoamérica Recicla
EN EL DÍA DE LAS Y LOS RECICLADORES DE BASE; REDNICA propone Reciclaje Inclusivo con Equidad para evitar despojo a manos de comerciantes.
En el día del reciclaje, REDNICA aboga por el Reciclaje Inclusivo