The International Alliance of Waste Pickers is a union of waste picker organizations representing more than 460,000 workers across 34 countries
Supported by Logo WIEGO


Screen shot from the documentary about Gericinó dump in Rio called "Catador".

“As of today, the waste pickers of Rio de Janeiro will go hungry”

In the first week of September, 246 waste pickers of the Gericinó dumpsite in Bangú, a peripheral neighborhood in the Rio de Janeiro municipality, were facing the possibility of being suddenly out of work. The workers found out that the city, which has been in the process of closing the dumpsite for many months, was going to hand management over to a private company within two weeks time and that the dumpsite would be off limits.

Catadores de Gramacho e Bangu se encontram

No dia 17 de Maio o “Conselho de lideranças dos catadores(as) do Aterro municipal de Gericinó realizaram a 1ª reunião de trabalho,com o objetivo de exigir da Comlurb a apresentação de ” um plano de encerramento para o Aterro de Gericinó” no prazo de 60 dias. Nesta reunião foi construída uma carta de reivindicações com pontos considerados fundamentais para os(as) catadores(as) do aterro de Gericinó que devem fazer parte deste plano de encerramento.