Executive Council, Office bearers, Affiliates and Staff
Office Bearers
Position | Region | Name | Organization | Country |
President | Latin America | Severino Lima Jr | Unicatadores | Brazil |
Vice-President | Asia | Sushila Sable | PBVS | India |
Treasurer | Africa | Maditlhare Koena | SAWPA | South Africa |
Executive Council
Get to know the Executive Council members.
Position | Region | Name | Organization | Country | Gender |
President | Latin America | Severino Lima Jr | Unicatadores | Brazil | Male |
Vice-president | Asia | Sushila Sable | PBVS | India | Female |
Treasurer | Africa | Maditlhare Koena | SAWPA | South Africa | Female |
1 | Asia 1 | Pinakini | SEWA | India | Female |
2 | Asia 2 | Kulsum Begum | BWPU | Bangladesh | Female |
3 | Asia 3 | Pris Polly | PPIM | Indonesia | Male |
4 | Asia 4 | Shanti Tamang | SASAJA | Nepal | Female |
5 | Asia 5 | Randy C. Irog | MIRCA | Philippines | Male |
6 | Africa 1 | Harouna Niass | Bokk Diom | Senegal | Male |
7 | Africa 2 | Hortance Kufuku | ARCK | DRC | Female |
8 | Africa 3 | Johnson Doe | KLWP | Ghana | Male |
9 | Africa 4 | Nana Martine | UAP | Burkina Faso | Female |
10 | Africa 5 | Molobaly Dombia | AMTTDO | Mali | Female |
11 | North America 1 | Josefa Marin | AIR-NYC | USA | Female |
12 | North America 2 | Barbra Weber | GSA | USA | Female |
13 | Latin America 1 | Elbia Pisuña | RENAREC | Ecuador | Female |
14 | Latin America 2 | Abel Balderas | Lázaro Cárdenas | México | Male |
15 | Latin America 3 | Yenny González | MNRP | Panamá | Female |
16 | Latin America 4 | Robinson García | MNRRD | Dominican Republic | Male |
17 | Latin America 5 | Paulina Margarita González | FACCYR | Argentina | Female |
18 | Europe 1 | Samuel Le Coeur | Amelior | France | Male |
19 | Europe 2 | Pietro Luppi | Rete ONU | Italy | Male |
Affiliates #
# | Full name of organization | Organizations | Country | Region | Number of waste picker members |
1 | Association des Récupérateurs du Congo-Kinshasa | ARCK | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Africa | 455 |
2 | Association Malienne des Trieuses de Dechets sur les depots D’Ordures | AMTDDO | Mali | Africa | 2150 |
3 | Association pour la Propreté de Ouagadougou | UAP | Burkina Faso | Africa | 843 |
4 | Bokk Diom | Bokk Diom | Senegal | Africa | 1277 |
5 | Kpone Landfill Waste Pickers Association | KLWPA | Ghana | Africa | 700 |
6 | Association of Scraps and Waste Pickers | ASWOL | Nigeria | Africa | 3700 |
7 | Kenya National Waste Pickers Welfare Association | KeNaWPWA | Kenya | Africa | 46000 |
8 | South Africa Waste Pickers Association | SAWPA | SouthAfrica | Africa | 4500 |
9 | African Reclaimers Organisation | ARO | SouthAfrica | Africa | 6000 |
10 | El tatweer el motagaded association for community development | Zahabaleen | Egypt | Africa | 35 |
11 | Enterprise Generale D’Ingenering de Guinee | EGIG BT | Guinee | Africa | 824 |
12 | Federation Nationale des Syndecats de l’economie de Travailleurs (euses) de l’economie Informelle Du Niger | FENASSEIN | Niger | Africa | 4800 |
13 | Bangladesh Waste Pickers Union (BWPU) | BWPU | Bangladesh | Asia-Pacific | 2286 |
14 | Samyukta Safai Jagaran (SASAJA) | SASAJA | Nepal | Asia-Pacific | 1150 |
15 | Kagad Kach Patra Kashtakari Panchayat | KKPKP | India | Asia-Pacific | 7569 |
16 | Marathwada Labour Union | MLU | India | Asia-Pacific | 500 |
17 | Parisar Bhagini Vikas Sangha | PBVS | India | Asia-Pacific | 2150 |
18 | Parisar Sakhi Vikas Sanstha | PSVS | India | Asia-Pacific | 517 |
19 | The Waste Pickers Mutually Aided Co- operative Thrift and Credit Society Limited, Vijayawada | WPMACV | India | Asia-Pacific | 32 |
20 | The Waste Pickers Mutually Aided Co-operative Thrift and Credit Society Limited, Guntur | WPMACG | India | Asia-Pacific | 496 |
21 | Thyajya Shramikha Sangha | TSS | India | Asia-Pacific | 671 |
22 | Vasudha Kachra Vechak Seva Bhavi Sanstha | VKVSBS | India | Asia-Pacific | 350 |
23 | All India Kachra Shramik Mahasangh | AIKSM | India | Asia-Pacific | 14039 |
24 | Safai Sena Welfare Foundation | Safai Sena | India | Asia-Pacific | 15000 |
25 | Sarvodaya Sramik Mahila Cooperative Society | SSMCS | India | Asia-Pacific | 2000 |
26 | İstanbul Geri Dönüşüm İşçileri Derneği | İSGDİDER | Turkey | Asia-Pacific | 87 |
27 | Mintal Resource Collectors’s Association | MiRCA | Philippines | Asia-Pacific | 25 |
28 | Perkumpulan Pemulung Indonsia Mandiri | PPIM | Indonesia | Asia-Pacific | 211110 |
29 | Safai Yodda | Safai Yodda | Nepal | Asia-Pacific | 251 |
30 | Self Employed Women’s Association | SEWA | India | Asia-Pacific | 33861 |
31 | Associazione Rete Nazionale Operatori dell’Usato | Rete ONU | Italia | Europe | 4000 |
32 | Association des Marchés d’Economies Locales et Individuelles Organisés de la Récupération | Amelior | France | Europe | 1200 |
33 | Asociación Nacional de Recicladores | ANR | Colombia | Latinamerica | 12500 |
34 | Asociación Movimiento Nacional Recicladores de Chile | ANARCH | Chile | Latinamerica | 2000 |
35 | Asociación Nacional de Recuperadores y Recicladores de El Salvador | ANSONARES | El Salvador | Latinamerica | 130 |
36 | Federación de Cooperativas de Reciclado Limitada. Federación Argentina de Cartoneros, Carreros y Recicladores | FACCyR | Argentina | Latinamerica | 19393 |
37 | Movimiento Nacional de Recicladores de la Republica Dominicana | MNRD | Dominican Republic | Latinamerica | 3875 |
38 | União Nacional de Catadores e Catadoras de Materiais Recicláveis | Unicatadores | Brasil | Latinamerica | 50000 |
39 | Movimiento Nacional de Recicladores de Honduras | MNRH | Honduras | Latinamerica | 93 |
40 | Unión de Trabajadores de Desechos Sólidos Industrializables “Lázaro Cárdenas del Río” del Estado de Guanajuato A.C. | Lazaro Cardenas | Mexico | Latinamerica | 60 |
41 | Federación Red Nacional de Recicladores del Ecuador | RENAREC | Ecuador | Latinamerica | 1500 |
42 | Movimiento Nacional de Recicladores de Panamá | MNRP | Panama | Latinamerica | 1200 |
43 | Unión de Clasificadores de Residuos Urbanos Sólidos | UCRUS- PIT CNT | Uruguay | Latinamerica | 2830 |
44 | Federación Nacional de Recicladores del Perú | FENAREP | Peru | Latinamerica | 175 |
45 | Frente Nacional de Recicladores Ambientalistas del Perú | FRENARA | Peru | Latinamerica | 400 |
46 | Movimiento Nacional de Personas Recicladores de Base de Costa Rica | MNPRBCR | Costa Rica | Latinamerica | 52 |
47 | Alliance of Independent Recyclers | AIR | USA | North America | 60 |
48 | Ground Score Association | GSA | USA | North America | 51 |
49 | Les Valoristes, solidarity cooperative | Les Valoristes | Canada | North America | 97 |
50 | Binner’s Project | Binner’s Project | Canada | North America | 428 |
Staff #
These are the members of current International Alliance of Waste Pickers’ staff:
Name | Position |
Kabir Arora | General Secretary, Asia-Pacific Coordinator and Advocacy Lead |
Carolina Palacio | Organisational Development Officer |
Pablo Rey Mazón | Operations, Communication and Digital Infrastructures Manager |
Clara Simas Ferraz | Social Justice Bond Project Officer |
Amira El Halabi | Africa Coordinator and Advocacy lead |
Taylor Cass Talbott | Advocacy Coordinator and North America Interim Coordinator |
Sharon Awuor | Africa Advocacy Assistant |
Cristiano Benites | Interpretation and Translations Officer |
Alejandro Mejia | Latin American Organizing Support Assistant |
Ashwini Jog | Asia Pacific Assistant and Interpretation Coordinator |
Long version:

Kabir Arora
The Asia Pacific Coordinator and Advocacy Associate is responsible for providing support to the organizations of waste pickers in Asia-Pacific region, with the aim of developing regional solidarity and sharing, and a common strategy. He is also responsible for coordinating regional inputs to the process towards the Inaugural Elective Congress of the IAWP. In addition, he is responsible for articulating advocacy efforts to support waste pickers organizations in the region, and for contributing to global advocacy efforts. He should assist Lucia Fernandez, Acting General Secretary (AGS) to develop the IAWP to make it an internationally solidarity network with tangible force on the ground, capable of representing and furthering the interests of the poorest waste pickers (with particular focus on women) throughout the world.
The Organisational Development Officer should revise the implementation of the values statued in the IAWP Constitution and will be responsible for the process towards the Inaugural Elective Congress of the IAWP under Acting General Secretary (AGS) supervision. She will implement values written on the Constitution with the potential affiliates with a Workers’ Education approach that includes organisational training of leaders. She should assist the Acting General Secretary (AGS) to develop the IAWP to make it an internationally solidarity network with tangible force on the ground, capable of representing and furthering the interests of the poorest waste pickers (with particular focus on women) throughout the world.Carolina Palacio
IAWP Operations, Communications and Digital Infrastructure Manager will be responsible for planning, developing, setting and maintaining the digital structures needed to strengthen the International Alliance of Waste Pickers (IAWP) and particularly their interim staff. He should also assist the Acting General Secretary (AGS) to co-ordinate communications to make IAWP an internationally solidarity network with tangible force on the ground, capable of representing and furthering the interests of the poorest waste pickers (with particular focus on women) throughout the world.Pablo Rey Mazón
SJB Project Officer (PO) will develop, implement and oversee operational, financial management, & evaluation systems, as well as daily operations of their current Social Justice Bond Project (SJB) that supports the International Alliance of Wastepicker’s development. She should assist the Acting General Secretary (AGS) to co-ordinate IAWP SJB project to contribute to make IAWP a tangible force on the ground, capable of representing and furthering the interests of the poorest waste pickers (with particular focus on women) throughout the world.Clara Simas Ferraz
The Africa Coordinator and Advocacy Associate is responsible for providing support to the organizations of waste pickers in the Africa region, with the aim of developing regional solidarity and sharing, and a common strategy. She is also responsible for coordinating regional inputs to the process towards the Inaugural Elective Congress of the IAWP. In addition, she is responsible for articulating advocacy efforts to support waste pickers organizations in the region, and for contributing to global advocacy efforts. She should assist the Acting General Secretary (AGS) to develop the IAWP to make it an internationally solidarity network with tangible force on the ground, capable of representing and furthering the interests of the poorest waste pickers (with particular focus on women) throughout the world.Amira El Halabi
The IAWP Advocacy Coordinator should be responsible for coordinating the advocacy plan towards the Inaugural Elective Congress of the IAWP under Acting General Secretary (AGS) supervision. She oversees IAWP’s global advocacy organising strategy on just transition, EPR, plastics treaty and climate change. This includes workers education for waste pickers in coordination with the Organizational Development Officer, as well as technical support to waste picker organisations involving WIEGO and other allies expertise. She will also support the North American waste picker region, namely on issues related to the plastics treaty, just transition and IAWP affiliation. She should assist the Acting General Secretary (AGS) to develop the IAWP to make it an internationally solidarity network with tangible force on the ground, capable of representing and furthering the interests of the poorest waste pickers (with particular focus on women) throughout the world.Taylor Cass Talbott
The Africa Advocacy Assistant supports waste picker organizations in Africa by assisting in advocacy efforts and providing administrative support. Working closely with the Africa Coordinator, her role also involves mapping waste management policies, assessing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policies, rolling out the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) calculator, and facilitating national advocacy training. Additionally, she should handle administrative tasks such as securing timely reports and coordinating meetings and workshops. Her role plays a crucial part in advancing the rights and interests of waste pickers across the continent.Sharon Awuor
The Interpretation and Translations Officer main task is to accompany the Acting Working Committee (AWC) of the IAWP, sub-committees (E. g. Plastic Treaty group), and regional coordination meetings in coordinating the interpretation and translation when required.Cristiano Benites
The Latin America Coordinator is responsible for supporting waste picker organisations in the Latin American and Caribbean region through technical assistance, facilitating articulation between affiliates and countries to strengthen regional integration and with other regions, and contributing to global advocacy efforts. The Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the involvement of affiliates in the region and their contributions to the IAWP Inaugural Congress. In addition, the Coordinator is responsible for advising on processes and projects to strengthen their organisations.Alejandro Mejia
The Asia Pacific Assistant and Interpretation Coordinator supports the International Alliance of Waste Pickers (IAWP) by providing logistical and interpretation support for regional meetings, participating in training, assisting project officers and coordinators including the Acting General Secretary, and aiding in communication for congress purposes. Further, the job responsibility includes accurate interpretation services for IAWP meetings and events, managing interpretation schedules, providing language support, maintaining quality control, supporting interpreters, managing budgets, coordinating with other teams, and translating meeting minutes.Ashwini Jog