Aasra Welfare Association Mumbai, India local | non governmental organization, non profit organization | members are waste pickers, waste picker support organization
Asociación de Recicladores de Bogotá (ARB) Bogota, Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociación Sindical de Recolectores Independientes (ASRI) Santiago, Chile national | trade union | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Asociaciόn Nacional de Recicladores (ANR) Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia national | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste pickers
Asociaciόn Nacional de Recicladores de Venezuela (ANREV) Maracaibo, Venezuela national | association | members are waste pickers
Asociaciόn Regional (ARENOSA) Cucuta, Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociaciόn Regional Antioquia (ARRECICLAR) Medellin, Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociaciόn Regional Costa Norte (ARCO) Costa Norte, Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociaciόn Regional de Cundinamarca Boyacá y Meta , Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociaciόn Regional del Eje Cafetero (ARR) La Esmeralda, Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociaciόn Regional Huila (ARCESCO) Neiva, Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociaciόn Regional Narino (COEMPRENDER) Nariño, Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociaciόn Regional Santandar (AIRES) San Gil, Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociaciόn Regional Sur Colombiana (FERESURCO) El Calvario, Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociaciόn Regional Tolima (ARPETOL) , Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Asociaciόn Regional Valle VALLE , Colombia regional | association, federation of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
Associação das Comunidades Paroquiais de Mata Escura e Calabetão (ACOPAMEC) Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Associação de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis Folha Verde (FOLHA VERDE) Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Associação dos Catadores de Papel, Papelão e Material Reaproveitável de Belo Horizonte (ASMARE) Belo Horizonte, Brazil local | association, cooperative | members are waste pickers
Association de Femmes Recuperatrices du Benin (AFRB) Cotonou, Benin local | association | members are waste pickers
Association de recuperateurs du Cameroun (ARC) Douala, Cameroon local | association | members are waste pickers
Association Pengdwende Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso national | association | waste picker support organization
Avani Kolhapur, India regional | alliance, community based organization, non governmental organization, non profit organization, self-help group | members are multi sector, members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers, members employ waste pickers, potential supporters, waste picker support organization
Bangladesh Waste Pickers Union (Formerly named as “Association of Waste Pickers of Bangladesh”) Dhaka, Bangladesh local, national | alliance, association, self-help group | members are waste pickers
Catadores da Nova República (CANORE) Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Centre for Sustainable Development (CFSD) Nagpur, India local | non governmental organization, non profit organization | potential supporters, waste picker support organization
Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group New Delhi, India local | non governmental organization | waste picker support organization
CLD MBL CINGABA Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo local | association | members are waste pickers
Companhia de Coleta Seletiva Processamento de Plástico e Proteção Ambiental (CAMAPET) Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Conselho de Moradores do Conjunto Habitacional Cajazeiras XI (REVALORIZAR) Periperi, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Agentes Autόnomos de Reciclagem, Responsabilidade Ltda (COOPCICLA) Sete Portas, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Agentes Ecolόgicos de Canabrava (CAEC) Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Catadores Autonomos de Papel, Aparas e Materiais Reaproveitáveis (COOPAMARE) Sao Paulo, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Catadores do Paraguary (COOPGUARY) Periperi, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Catadores e Reciclagem de Resíduos Sόlidos e Agentes Ambientalistas do Bairro da Paz (COOPERPAZ) Bairro da Paz, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Reciclagem de Lixo (COOPELIX) Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Reciclagem e Serviços do subúrbio Ferroviário (COOPERSSF) Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Reciclagem Geral da Bahia (CRG BAHIA) Dom Avelar, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Reciclagem Preservação ao Meio Ambiente (COOPMAM) Brotas, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Resíduos Domiciliares e Industriais de Itapuã (COOPERDIN) Nova Brasília de Itapuã, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa de Serviços de Reciclagem Meio Ambiente e Promoção da cidadania (RECICOOP) Vista Alegre, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa dos Catadores da fazenda Grande II (COOCREJA) Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa dos Recicladores do Ogunjá Bariri, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa dos trabalhadores com materiais reciclaveis da pampulha (COOMARP PAMPULHA) Belo Horizonte, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa Múltipla Popular dos Trabalhadores de Tancredo Neves (COOPERTANE) Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Cooperativa Recicláveis de Canabrava (COOPERBRAVA) Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Coopérative des Récupérateurs de la Commune IV Bamako, Mali local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Coordination de femmes pour la paix et le développement Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo local | association | waste picker support organization
Dandora Youth Multipurpose Self-Help Group (DYMS) Nairobi, Kenya local | self-help group | waste picker support organization
Ecowaste Coalition of the Philippines Quezon City, Philippines | non governmental organization | waste picker support organization
Ekati Samajik, Saikshanik, Vaidyakiy, Bahu-uddeshiy Sevabhavi Sanstha Kolhapur, India local | non governmental organization, self-help group, women´s group | members are multi sector, members are waste pickers
Federación Argentina de Cartoneros, Carreros y Recicladores (FACCyR) Buenos Aires, Argentina national | federation | members are waste pickers
Federaciόn Nacional de Recicladores del Perú (FENAREP) Lima, Peru national | federation of cooperatives | members are waste pickers
Gaddikhana Ajivika Swayam Sahayta Samuh Mussoorie, India local | self-help group | members are waste pickers
General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) Kathmandu, Nepal national | federation, trade union | waste picker support organization
Hlanganani MaAfrika Waste Picker Cooperative Pietermaritzburg, South Africa local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
IDE Centro de Desenvolvimento Sócio Comunitário – RECICLA CAJAZEIRAS Salvador, Brazil local | cooperative | waste picker support organization
Ikatan Pemulung Indonesia (Indonesia Waste-pickers Union- IPI) Jakarta Timur, Indonesia local, national | association, community based organization, membership based organization, movement | members are waste pickers, members employ waste pickers, waste picker support organization
Independent Garbage Cleaners Union of Nepal (IGCUN) Kathmandu, Nepal national | trade union | waste picker support organization
Jan Vikas Society Indore, India local, national | association, church organization, community based organization, network of cooperatives, self-help group | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Kagad Kach Patra Kashtakari Panchayat (KKPKP) Pune, India local | trade union | members are waste pickers
Latin American Waste Pickers Network (LAWPN / Red LACRE) São Paulo, Brazil international | network | members are waste picker organizations
Ligue pour le Droit de la Femme Congolaise (LDFC) Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo | non governmental organization | waste picker support organization
Metro Manila Linis-Ganda, Inc. Manila, Philippines local | non governmental organization | waste picker support organization
Movimento Nacional de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis (MNCR) São Paulo, Brazil national | movement, network of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations
MOVIMIENTO DE TRABAJADORES EXCLUIDOS (MTE) Buenos Aires, Argentina national | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Movimiento Nacional de Recicladores de Chile (MNRCH) Santiago de Chile, Chile national | movement | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Movimiento Nacional de Recicladores de Perú Callao, Peru national | movement, network of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Nari Pragati Mahila Mandal Surat, India local | cooperative, self-help group | members are waste pickers
National Association of Scrap and Waste Workers of Nigeria (NASWON) Lagos, Nigeria national | association | members are waste pickers
Navsarjan Trust Ahmedabad, India local | non governmental organization | waste picker support organization
New Age Farm (OS) Multi Purpose Cooperative Society Ltd Aba, Umuahia, Owerri, Osisioma , Nigeria national | cooperative | members employ waste pickers
Nyawita New Widows Women Group Kisumu, Kenya local | women´s group | waste picker support organization
Old Motor Spare Parts Dealers Association LIorin, Nigeria national | association, cooperative | members employ waste pickers
Paciência Viva – Projeto Ação Reciclar Salvador, Brazil local | non governmental organization | waste picker support organization
Parisar Bhagini Vikas Sangh (PBVS) Mumbai, India local, national | community based organization, cooperative, federation, federation of cooperatives, network of cooperatives, self-help group, women´s group | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Parisar Sakhi Vikas Sanstha (PSVS) Navi Mumbai, India local | federation, federation of cooperatives, self-help group, women´s group | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Platform of committees of pre collection of waste (PLAFCCO) Antananarivo , Madagascar national | association | waste picker support organization
RECICLAL (CAMSAT) Centro de ayuda mutua Salud para Todos y Asociaciόn de Recicladores Emprendedores para el Progreso de Asuncion Asunción, Paraguay local | association | members are waste pickers
Recity Network Private Limited Mumbai, India national | network, sole trader and/or business | waste picker support organization
Recity Network Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, India local | network, sole trader and/or business | waste picker support organization
Red de Emprendedores Nicaraguenses del Reciclaje (REDNICA) Managua, Nicaragua national | network | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Red Nacional de Recicladores de Bolivia Santa Cruz, Bolivia national | network of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Red Nacional de Recicladores de Ecuador (RENAREC) Quito, Ecuador national | network of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Red Nacional de Recicladores del Perú (RENAREP) Lima, Peru national | network of cooperatives | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Republički Sindikat Sakupljača Sekundarnih Sirovina (Syndicate of waste picker of the Republic of Serbia ) Nis, Serbia national | trade union | members are waste pickers
Reseau pour la collecte et valorization des dechets Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo local | association | waste picker support organization
Rete Nazionale Operatori dell’Usato (Rete ONU) Naples, Italy national | alliance, association, community based organization, cooperative, federation, federation of cooperatives, membership based organization, network, network of cooperatives, non profit organization, other | members are multi sector, members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers, members employ waste pickers, waste picker support organization
Safai Sena New Delhi, India local, national | membership based organization, non governmental organization, non profit organization | members are waste pickers
Samman- Bhopal Bhopal, India local | church organization, community based organization, self-help group | waste picker support organization
Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) Ahmedabad, India national | cooperative, trade union | members are multi sector, members are waste pickers
SEWA Bharat, Self Employed Womens’ AssociationSEWA (all India) New Delhi, India national | association | members are multi sector, members are waste pickers
Sociedad Cooperativa de Seleccionadores de Materiales (SOCOSEMA) Juarez, Mexico local | cooperative | members are waste pickers
Stree Mukti Sanghatana Mumbai, India local, national | cooperative, federation of cooperatives, network of cooperatives, non governmental organization, self-help group, women´s group | members are multi sector, members are waste pickers
SWaCH Pune Seva Cooperative Society Pune, India local | cooperative | members are waste pickers, members employ waste pickers
Syndicat des Vendeurs de Matériaux de Construction du TOGO (SYVEMACOT) Lome, Togo national | trade union | potential supporters
Syndicat National des Travailleurs Autonomes de l’Economie Informelle du Niger (SYNATRA) Niamey, Niger national | trade union | waste picker support organization
The Alliance of Indian Wastepickers (AIW) Mumbai, India national | alliance | members are waste picker organizations
The Association of Ragpickers Kolkata, India local | community based organization | members are waste pickers
Tout est possible Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo local | non governmental organization | waste picker support organization
Union de Clasificadores de Residuos Urbanos Sόlidos (UCRUS) Montevideo, Uruguay national | trade union | members are waste picker organizations, members are waste pickers
Vijana ya Congo Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo local | association, cooperative | waste picker support organization
Waste Pickers Alliance Uganda (APAU) Kampala, Uganda national | alliance, non profit organization | members are waste pickers
Waste Pickers Association of Kenya (WAPAK) Nakuru, Kenya national | association | members are waste pickers
Waste Wise Trust Bangalore, India local | cooperative, non governmental organization, self-help group | waste picker support organization
Workers’ Union Cleaning and Beauty and Protecting the Environment Cairo, Egypt local | trade union | members are waste pickers