Posts by deia
For immediate release: Waste picker deprived of a day’s work by the Embassy of UAE
“New waste management plans endanger Indian ragpickers” (DW-World)
“Por no respetar derechos de los recicladores, Corte tumba licitación de basuras en Bogotá” (Noticias Caracol)
“Los cartoneros inauguran planta” (Noticias Urbanas)
14/15 Dez – Seminário Internacional de Coleta Seletiva – São Paulo, Brasil / Dec. 14/15 – International Seminar on Selective Collection – São Paulo, Brazil
“No to dirty CDM” by Payal Parekh (in Spanish & English)
Unlike other UN Climate Conferences there have been very few creative actions; in large part due to the fact that actions are permitted in two small areas and UN police are harassing observers for handing out flyers!
Nevertheless there have been two great actions against dirty Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project types, incineration and coal. Yesterday, wastepickers that belong to the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) staged a vibrant action. Read more
Slideshow & Videos – Waste Pickers featured on Climate Change Studio at COP17
Slideshow – The Global Alliance of Waste Pickers make their voices heard at COP17
Video – “While indecision reigned” (Down to Earth)
“Recyclage local contre multinationales: la guerre des déchets aura-t-elle lieu?” (Basta Mag)
Report from Brazil
Movimiento y Articulación: La Esperanza de Brasil en Materia de Residuos
Magdalena Donoso, Coordinación Latinoamericana de GAIA
Brasilia, diciembre 2011
Desde el punto de vista de nuestro interés como organizaciones que luchan contra la incineración, basta instalarse a hablar sobre la Ley Nacional de Residuos Sólidos de Brasil, ratificada en agosto del año pasado, para abordar ampliamente lo negativo y desgastador que ha sido el Artículo 9 de la Ley, que abrió la puerta a esa industria.