Posts by deia
Press Release: Waste Pickers Tout Only Green Solution to Municipal Waste, Decry Dirty Energy (English, Spanish, Portuguese)
“El último gran contrato” (Semana)
Video and Slideshow – Waste Pickers March with Global Day of Action
The Global Alliance of Waste Pickers visits South African landfills (slideshow included)
Media Alert: Monday, Dec. 5 – Waste Pickers at COP17
Coalición Anti Incineración de Brasil participó en plenaria en Cámara de Diputados
Press Release: Waste Pickers and Allies demand that the CDM Executive Board stop ducking its responsibilities (English and Spanish)
This Thursday: Waste Pickers at the Frontline of Climate Change
Thursday, Dec. 1, 10 a.m.
Howard College, Shepstone 4, University of KwaZulu-Natal Waste Pickers reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save raw materials through recycling. They are a real human force to mitigate climate change and offer a necessary alternative to polluting, waste-to-energy technologies. Representatives from the Global Alliance of Waste Pickers will talk about their realities and views on the climate and waste policy situation, including a critical perspective on the CDM and the Green Climate Fund.
Suman More: A Garbage Worker
Carta de Marlen Chacon, desde COP17 (Spanish and English)
Hoy al ser la una de tarde aqui en Durban, atuvimos en la reunion de la junta directiva del MDL, y varios de nosotros tuvimos intervención, desde ayer estuvimos trabajando mucho en como plantear nuestras preguntas ya que ellos argumentan cualquier cosa con tal de no dar una respuesta que los delate sobre lo que quieren seguir haciendo, para ellos solo sus proyectos tienen valides y…