Latin America
Expocatador 2010 Highlights
Approximately 3,000 waste pickers attended Expocatador 2010. Participants included LAWPN (Latin American Waste Picker Network) representatives; Simon Mbata from South Africa; B...
Expo Catadores 2010
Watch Expocatadores 2010, Live broadcasts Dec. 21 – 23, 2010 São Paulo, Brazil (Transmissão aovivo; Transmisión en vivo)
waste pickers send greetings from Brazil
Waste pickers from the MNCR send greetings from Belo Horizonte. Eliana, from ASMARE saw what is a blog from the first time by visiting the Waste Pickers and Climate Change. She sai...
life testimony – Madalena Duarte -Brazil
Last Friday I spoke with Madalena Duarte about her life and struggles and this is her message to the Cancun delegation: “I am a waste picker since the age of 7. At that time ...
Recyclers Tout Benefits of Their Trade at Cancún Summit
Excerpt from IPS article on waste pickers at COP 16 Recyclers Tout Benefits of Their Trade at Cancún Summit By Emilio Godoy Ezequiel Estay began collecting glass bottles in 1991 a...
La Alianza se encuentra con pepenadores en México
En el marco de las actividades que la Alianza Global de Recicladores y Aliados se encuentra realizando en la Conferencia de las Partes en Cancún, ayer 4 de diciembre hicimos un re...
Support to the delegation in Cancun from Madalena Duarte
Sou Madalena Duarte cooperada da COOPERT e liderança do MNCR e da Rede Latina de Catadores. Hoje aqui no Brasil hoje os catadores estão passando por um grande desafio também que...
En cada uno de nosotros esta la solución, en nuestras manos
Independientemente del lugar y el momento idioma religión o cultura, el estado social cultural o económico que tengan las personas vivimos bajo un mismo techo el cual estamos agu...
Global Alliance of Waste Pickers and Allies Recognize GAIA Day of Action: Call for Freedom of Jailed Mexican Waste Pickers.
The Global Alliance of Wastepickers and Allies denounced the situation of 15 wastepickers (pepenadores) in México, who were arrested on November 25 in Ciudad Juarez after protesti...
Text from Address by Silvio Ruiz to the SBSTA Plenary at COP16
Spanish – English Follows…. El mundo que están quemando, no es solo el mundo de los ricos, es el mundo en el que todos vivimos, es nuestro mundo. La sociedad conscient...
Silvio Ruiz Addresses SBSTA Subplenary in Cancun
The Global Alliance of Waste Pickers and Allies, through its representative Silvio Ruiz, a grassroots recycler from Colombia, spoke today at the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and ...
Entrevista con Silvio Ruiz desde la marcha en apoyo de los recicladores de Colombia
Entrevista con Silvio Ruiz desde la marcha en apoyo de los recicladores de Colombia. Entrevista por Ricardo Valencia de WIEGO. Interview with Silvio Ruiz from the march supporting ...
Entrevista con Exequiel Estay/ Interview with Exequiel Estay
Exequiel Estay of the Chilean National Movement of Waste Pickers and the Latin American Network of Waste Pickers during a march to support waste picker rights in Colombia. Intervie...
Exequiel Estay, MNRCH, en CNN
CNN – Recicladores se reúnen en su tercer encuentro nacional. Organización busca formalizar gremialmente a quienes trabajan con residuos, presentar nuevas propuestas para m...
O lixo no meio do redemoinho
A recent article in O Tempo on the issues surrounding the implementation of Brazil’s new National Policy on Solid Waste features a quote from and an interview with WIEGO̵...
Recicladores de todo Chile se reúnen en Tercer Encuentro Nacional
El encuentro, que se realizará este 30 de septiembre, reunirá a recicladores de todo Chile y conferencistas extranjeros y nacionales, entre los que destaca la ministra de Medio A...