This March 1st, 2022, waste pickers paid a new homage to the fellow waste pickers who were murdered in Colombia in 1992. In their honor, this date became a global day in which recy...
Amelior | Region Europe | Nov 08, 2019
AMELIOR, the Association of Waste Pickers in Paris, has just won a call for projects funded by Syctom, the largest European Union dedicated to the collection and treatment of ̶...
Rete ONU and Amelior | Region Europe | Jan 11, 2019
The first Informal European meeting of waste pickers and second hands operators Towards an European network took place in Torino, on November 21st at Eco dalle Città in Torino, It...
Asso Amelior | Region Europe | Nov 12, 2015
On Tuesday, August 4, 2015, in Ménilmontant, Paris, away from a crowd still in shock, a man dressed in the uniform of the national police sat on the sidewalk and, with his round f...