The International Alliance of Waste Pickers is a union of waste picker organizations representing more than 460,000 workers across 34 countries
Supported by Logo WIEGO


"Porto Alegre quer o fim da profissão de catadores"

MNCR: The Porto Alegre (Brazil) government doesn’t like waste pickers

The National Movement of Brazilian Waste Pickers – MNCR/RS, strongly denounces statements made by Fernando Mello, the coordinator of the program that will ban the use of horse-drawn carts by the beginning of 2015. “We want to end informal recycling, as well as other informal livelihoods, that many times operate in inhuman conditions, so that they can work formally and in more lucrative and dignified jobs.”

Screen shot from the documentary about Gericinó dump in Rio called "Catador".

“As of today, the waste pickers of Rio de Janeiro will go hungry”

In the first week of September, 246 waste pickers of the Gericinó dumpsite in Bangú, a peripheral neighborhood in the Rio de Janeiro municipality, were facing the possibility of being suddenly out of work. The workers found out that the city, which has been in the process of closing the dumpsite for many months, was going to hand management over to a private company within two weeks time and that the dumpsite would be off limits.

Cataforte. Alex Cardoso, MNCR. (Photo: MNCR)

MNCR: Cataforte 3 is a direct investment in the environment

The National Waste Pickers’ Movement of Brazil (MNCR) participated on July 31st in the launch of the third edition of Cataforte, a federal program whose purpose is to strengthen waste pickers’ organizations. The objective is the restructuring of waste pickers’ networks and associations so that these solidary networks become more capable of performing recycling service for municipalities, as well as to become involved in reverse logistics (producer responsibility) and begin to commercialize their recyclable materials, with the goal of reaching 35 networks.

MNCR: Petition In support of a bill against incineration in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil)

This petition — a joint effort of the MNCR (National waste pickers’ movement of Brazil) along with other social movements and groups — supports a bill that would stop to incineration of solid waste in the state Minas Gerais, Brazil. If this bill were approved it would support recycling collection based on solidarity — a system developed and pioneered by the waste pickers.

Expocatadores – São Paulo, Brazil

Expocatadores is an event for business, experience exchanges, disseminating knowledge and technology for efficient and inclusive waste management. The event, which runs from Nov. 28-30, is hosting 1,500 waste pickers from 25 Brazilian states as well as visitors and government leaders. On Nov. 29, former president Lula Inácio da Silva spoke in the main auditorium. There has also been an international presence, with participation from waste pickers from 12 countries in Latin America as well as India, Benin, and Kenya.

Also happening during Expocatadores is the 3rd National and International Gathering of Waste Pickers, the goal of which is to exchange experiences. The themes debated in the technical seminars focus on the implementation of the National Waste Policy, the closing of open dumps and waste management plans.

Resisting the Hygienization of Urban Centers

painel sobre higienização

At a panel organized by the National Movement of Waste Pickers in Brazil, several speakers from different social movements and organizations spoke about the removal of street vendors, homeless populations, and waste pickers that has been happening with increasing frequency as Brazil develops and takes on mega-events such as the World Cup and the Olympics. The panel was called, “Resisting the Hygienization of Urban Centers.”

“O que está em jogo no Rio+20” (Informe MNCR)

Informe do Grupo de Articulação Internacionalizado.
A um mês da conferência das Nações Unidas Rio+20, os povos do mundo não veem resultados positivos no processo de negociação que está ocorrendo na conferência oficial. Ali não se está discutindo um balanço do cumprimento dos acordos alcançados na Rio 92, ou como mudar as causas da crise. O foco da discussão é um pacote de propostas enganosamente chamado de “economia verde” e a instauração de um novo sistema de governo ambiental internacional que o facilite.

Catadores de Gramacho e Bangu se encontram

No dia 17 de Maio o “Conselho de lideranças dos catadores(as) do Aterro municipal de Gericinó realizaram a 1ª reunião de trabalho,com o objetivo de exigir da Comlurb a apresentação de ” um plano de encerramento para o Aterro de Gericinó” no prazo de 60 dias. Nesta reunião foi construída uma carta de reivindicações com pontos considerados fundamentais para os(as) catadores(as) do aterro de Gericinó que devem fazer parte deste plano de encerramento.
