FACyR, ARB, RENARC, UCRUS, Sure We Can, Amelior | Region International | Mar 01, 2016
Today, March 1, we commemorate International Waste Pickers’ Day in remembrance of our compañeros who were brutally assassinated in the Universidad Libre de Barranquilla (Colombi...
This 7-minute animated film shows how cities on different continents have taken diverse approaches to integrating waste pickers in municipal waste management systems and how waste ...
This year, to commemorate International Waste Pickers’ Day on March 1st, we would like to share with waste pickers and allies the launch of our online participatory database ...
Asociación de Recicladores de Bogotá (ARB) | Region Latin America | Mar 02, 2015
March on March 3 at 8 am from the Plaza de Toros to Plaza de Bolívar in Bogotá, Colombia International Mobilizations Why are we marching rather than celebrating? Because w...