Nalini Shekar and Kabir Arora | Region Asia-Pacific | Mar 24, 2021
Nalini Shekar and Kabir Arora A decade ago, the term ‘Extended Producer Responsibility’ (EPR) was either found in the textbooks of Environment Sciences or in the forgotten ...
Last year in July, I received a phone call from Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Panchkula (a town in the North Indian province of Haryana). As much as I like...
Every neighbourhood in Bengaluru (India) is trying its best to manage its own waste. They in their own way are setting precedents. Earlier, we read about HSR Layout and the adventu...
The draft by-laws put out by Directorate of Municipal Administration Karnataka has omitted discussion on waste-pickers. “We are the people in the city who have been doing this (w...